HEXA Clove




Cloves is known as ‘Bunga Cengkih’ in Malay and ‘丁香’  in Chinese are the pink flower buds of the evergreen clove tree (Syzygium aromaticum) that grows in Asia and South America. They are a popular flavoring agent used in a variety of ways across the world especially in Asia. The flower buds are harvested in their immature state and dried. They can be found in both whole and ground forms and is considered as the versatile spice which is usually used in savory and sweet dishes. Example like seasoning in pot roasts, rice dishes, meat, sauces, add flavor to hot beverages and bring spicy warm to cookies and cakes.


Cloves are often used along with cinnamon and nutmeg in sweet dishes, especially “pumpkin pie” flavored items and in drinks such as mulled wine, cider, or chai. It can also be one of the main ingredients in gingerbread baked goods or a staple spice in Indian cuisine. On top of that, it can be used as a flavoring or fragrance in other products such as toothpaste, soaps, and cosmetics.


Whole or ground cloves are used to flavor sauces, soups and rice dishes, , and it’s one of the components of garam masala. Whole cloves are either removed before serving or picked out of the dish. Even when cooked, whole cloves have a very hard, woody texture that would be unpleasant to bite into. While ground cloves are usually used in dessert such as eggnog or pumpkin pie spice. Cloves are often paired with cinnamon or nutmeg. Since cloves have very intense flavor, use it sparingly.



Why HEXA Clove?

  • 100% natural ingredients.
  • One of the world’s most popular spices.
  • High in antioxidants and can kill off bacteria
  • Helps to reduce flatulence, gastric irritability, dyspepsia, and nausea.
  • Temporarily treat a toothache, mouth freshener and reduce inflammation.
  • Improve digestion and treat scrapes and bruises.
  • HALAL Certified
  • HACCP certified
  • We have both whole cloves and clove powder


Suggested Use

  • Curry
  • Briyani
  • Pumpkin pie
  • Desserts



Keep in a clean, dry and cool place. Better to keep in the fridge once open.


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